lördag 31 juli 2010

Månadens spel i juli: The Awakened

A world in ashes, 
its hope lost in a millennium of nuclear winter. 
We wipe the frost from our eyes 
and spread out into the desolate surroundings, 
to find life and to expand under the burning sun.
For the resources of the once protective cryo chamber 
are quickly depleting, and old enemies plot in the horizon…
The Awakened, Tobias Game of the Month July 2010
En första seger! Överraskande nog nådde månadens spel i juli upp till sitt mål - min fru tyckte att det var kul att spela! Att hon vann speltestomgången kan givetvis ha haft en betydande effekt, men att det är relativt snabbspelat och tillåter både utforskande och civilisationsbyggande bör ha bidragit. Spelet har fått namnet The Awakened, och utspelar sig som tidigare nämnts i en postapokalyptisk värld.

Tyngdpunkten i speldesignen ligger alltså på glädjen i att få utforska, bygga och expandera, och att klura över att saker görs i rätt ordning - och gärna effektivare än motståndaren gör det. Det finns även ett inslag av militär maktkamp, men det är relativt öppet kring om spelaren vill ta den möjligheten eller inte. Spelpjäserna är tillverkade av trä och målade i trevliga färger med relativt tydliga figurer på. Spelplanen blev däremot av mer temporär natur, men fullt användbar. Reglerna får plats på en dubbelsidig A4, och jag kommer snart att ladda upp dem någonstans där de går att komma åt från bloggen. Så länge så går de att läsa här i inlägget, jag hoppas att det inte ser alltför rörigt ut utan korrekt formatering. Håll till godo!

Contents of the box
10 Terrain boards
4 Cryo chambers
25 Population cubes, each in red, green, blue and white
20 Resource markers, each in red, green, blue and white
20 Military markers, each in red, green, blue and white
13 City markers
13 Factory markers
13 Railroad markers
13 Defence markers
50 Land markers

Setup the game
* Determine number of players
* Shuffle the Land markers, store them backside up
* Choose terrain board layout based on number of players.
* Shuffle Terrain boards, upside down, and place them, upside up, on the table
* Each player choose a colour, and collects corresponding cubes, markers and cryo chamber
* Shuffle the Cryo chambers, and place them by random in the spaces marked in brown on the terrain board layout
* Each player places 4 Population cubes and 5 resource markers on their cryo chambers
* Determine the first active player, preferably by analysing the decay of an available radioactive isotope, or by simply flipping a series of coins. Let the other players take turns in clockwise order around the table.

Take a turn
 1.    Population
Population is gained or lost based on its current size, through the following rules and up the maximum size a Land can hold. If a Land has …

1 Population - remove it
2 Populations - gain no Population
3 Populations - gain one Population, if Land allows
4 or more - gain up to two Population, if Land allows

Remove excessive population from Lands that have more population then the Land can hold.

The first number on a Land marker determines how much Population a Land can hold.

2.    Resources
A Land normally produces one Resource per Population.

*    If a Land produces as many Resources as it has Population, all resources are consumed and the Land gains no stored Resource markers.

*    If a Land produces less Resources then its Population, remove Population in excess of Resource number - unless there are stored Resources in the Land from the previous turn. If so, decrease stored Resources with one per excessive Population. If there are not enough Resources to cover Population, remove excessive Population.

*    If a Land produces more resources then it has population, gain a stored Resource marker per population.

3.    Move Population and Resources
Each Population and stored Resource can be moved once, to an adjacent Land that is unoccupied or controlled by the active player.

Resources cannot be sent into a Land without Population or Military.

4.    Explore
If Population has been moved into an unexplored Land, pick the topmost Land marker and place it on the Land.

The first number on a Land is the maximum Population a Land can hold.

A Land produces as many Resources as its current Population, but often modified by the second number which reads as follows:

+1 means that the Land produces one more Resource then its current Population.
-1 means that the Land produces one less Resource then its current Population.
x2 means that the Land produces twice as many Resources as its current Population.
= means that the Land produces as many Resources as its current Population. 
=<2 means that the Land produces up to a maximum of 2 resources per turn, even if your Population is bigger.
0 means that the Land doesn't produce any Resources.

5.    Construct Buildings
Two stored Resources in a Land can be spent to construct a building.

There are four types of buildings, and a Land can hold one of each type. No buildings can be constructed on the cryo chamber.

A maximum of 13 buildings of each type can be built on the game board.

Abandoned or conquered buildings remain intact in their lands, except for Defence that is destroyed if abandoned or conquered.

*    A City adds one to the Population limit of a Land
*    A Factory adds one to the Resource production of a Land, after any Land modifications
*    A Defence counts as one Military unit in a Land
*    A Railroad makes it possible to pass through a Land in less then a turn. Population, Resources and Military may thus move one extra Land when moving through a Land with a Railroad. A unit may pass only one Railroad during a turn, and can therefore never move more through more then two Lands.

Unaccompanied Resources may be moved into and pass a land with Railroad if they end their movement in a Land with Population or Military.

6.    Age Military
Flip the Military markers. "M" Military become veterans, marked "V". Veterans are dismissed and removed from the game board.

7.    Form Military
One Resource and one Population can be spent to form a Military unit. Place a Military marker with the "M" side up to represent the unit.

Military does not count against the maximum Population a Land can hold.

8.    Military
Military units can choose one of the following actions per turn:

*    Move, to an unoccupied Land or a Land controlled by the active player

*    Raid. Military Units may raid an adjacent Land. Defending Military Units kill one attacker each, and attacking Units kill one defender each. Surviving attackers may carry out one of the following:
o    Plunder Resources. One Resource can be plundered per surviving Military Unit.
o    Kill Population. One Population can be killed per surviving Military Unit.
o    Destroy Building. One Building can be destroyed per two surviving Military Units.
o    Conquer Land. If no Population units remain in the target Land, a present Defence building must be automatically destroyed. Military may choose to move into and remain in the target Land.

Winning the game
In a two or three player game, the first player to reach a Population of 25 wins the game
In a four player game, the first player to reach a Population of 20 wins.

*    A Land with [ 3 | =<3 ] can support a Population of 3, and produce up to 3 Resources. This means that with a Population of 3, three Resources are produced and consumed, leaving no stored Resources. A City in this Land brings the maximum Population up to 4. But this Land produces maximum 3 Resources, and the 4th Population would starve unless additional Resources were stored in the Land. A Factory would bring an additional Resource, up to four produced resources.

*    Your Population always consumes available Resources. It's not possible to let your Population starve to save Resources.

*    If Military Units raid a Land with equally many defending Military Units all Units on both sides are killed.

Extra rules
1.    Exodus
During the Resource phase; if resources are available in an adjacent Land owned by a foreign player one excessive population per foreign resource will migrate. Note that Population never migrates to a Land controlled by the active player.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Najs!
    Visste inte att du gjorde brädspel också! :)
    Den här ska jag följa!

  2. Trevligt, kul om det roar någon annan än mig själv :)
